To stimulate the international recruitment of excellent young researchers, Lund University has launched a call for positions as associate senior lecturers (biträdande universitetslektor) reserved for candidates with postdoctoral research experience in institutes outside of Sweden (and not having held a position of scholarship in Sweden after February 15, 2020). The candidates should be academically young, i.e., with a PhD title obtained not earlier than February 15, 2019, with extensions for parental leave, sick leave, or military service.
A position in the generic research area “life sciences" will be affiliated with the Medical Faculty. For this position, MultiPark will welcome and support candidates with a neuroscience background who are willing to build one´s research programme in synergy with our preclinical and clinical groups.
The application deadline is February 15, 2024.
More about this position and link to the application system here: