Our overarching research goal is to create new and innovative strategies for improved and novel treatments, disease modifications and eventually cures for neurodegenerative diseases. We are striving to understand the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, and to create a dynamic structure for the advancement of research, innovation and education in the field. Ultimately, our research will improve functioning, health and quality of life of people living and ageing with these diseases.
Main Research Objectives
- To promote excellent translational research and maintain international competitiveness in our areas of strength
- To develop new therapies that can slow down or halt the disease progression
- To develop new diagnostic methods to find disease in time and for selecting appropriate therapies (personalized medicine)
- To promote clinical implementation of cutting edge findings
- To move innovations forward towards diffusion into society and industry
- To promote active participation of people living and ageing with neurodegenerative diseases in the research process