PET Ligand Radiosynthesis Platform
PET imaging of the brain is a powerful method to study physiology and disease in the living brain of humans as well as animal models. The unit for nuclear medicin at Skåne University Hospital provides radioligands for both experimental and clinical use. Besides 18F-FDG, they also synthesize a range of other PET tracers such as ligands binding to the dopamine transporter, tau filaments or β-amyloid aggregates. The facility is open to all researchers at Lund University, and the prices for production of already established ligands are subsidised for all MulltiPark researchers. Further, state-of-the-art PET scanners for human use are available at the unit for clinial physiology at Skåne University Hospital, and a PET scanner for small animal models at the Lund University Bioimaging Center.
Contact person at the unit for nuclear medicin at Skåne University Hospital is
Tomas Olsson
E-mail: tomas [dot] g [dot] olsson [at] skane [dot] se