Simoa Analyzer
Quanterix SR-X Ultra-Sensitive Biomarker Detection System
The Simoa Analyzer is particularly useful for measurements of biomarkers at ultra-low levels.
The Simoa Analyzer system features:
- Single molecule array technique for high sensitivity and broad dynamic range
- Combined digital and analog immunoassay dynamic range is >4 logs
- A range of sample types include serum, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, cell extracts
- Fexibility to design assays to detect both protein and nucleic acid biomarkers
- Detection of nucleic acid levels, including miRNA, without PCR
- Single and multiplex assays
- Multiplexing up to six analytes
- Semi-automated assay preparation using standardized benchtop devices
- Simple 2-step or 3-step workflow with minimal user intervention
- Low volume requirements
- Wide menu of available kits
- Full line of components for user-developed assays
To learn more, visit the official Quanterix SR-X website.
The Simoa is available for everyone to use.
Assay Kits
A menu of Simoa assay kits (single plex and multiplex) are available to measure critical biomarkers. It is also possible to request a custom-designed assay.
Examples of multiplexing Simoa Assay Kits for SR-X:
- Neurology 3-Plex A (Tau, Aß42, Aß40)
- Neurology 4-Plex A (Tau, NF-Light, GFAP, UCH-L1)
- Cytokine 3-Plex A NP (IL-10, IL-6, TNFα)
A full list of assay kits available for the SR-X can be found here on the Quanterix website.
- All users that require assistance with how to operate the instruments, please contact pilar [dot] lorenzo [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (pilar[dot]lorenzo[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
- Please note that you book the Simoa microplate shaker/washer and the SR-X reader separately in the booking calendars at respective instrument.
Since there are two shaker/washer systems, it is absolutely required that you book the SR-X before running your samples.
- Independent users may book the Simoa shaker/washer in the calendar in the instrument room C1113a
- To get access to room C1113a, please contact pilar [dot] lorenzo [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
- Independent users may book the Simoa SR-X in the calendar in the instrument room B1113
- To get access to room B1113, please contact anna [dot] hammarberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (anna[dot]hammarberg[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
The instrument is available to independent users all days.
The following charges apply:
MultiPark users: 50 SEK/plate
Non-MultiPark users: 200 SEK/plate
Technical Information
The approach is based on the counting of thousands of single immunocomplexes in femtoliter-sized reaction chambers, which are termed Simoa - Single Molecule Arrays. Simoa uses the same reagents as conventional ELISA, but antibody capture agents are attached to the surface of paramagnetic beads that are used to concentrate a dilute solution of target molecules. The beads are then loaded to discs containing arrays of femtoliter-sized wells that hold only one bead per well. In wells containing a bead with a single target molecule, the formation of an immunocomplex will result in enzymatic cleavage of a substrate, which will be converted to a fluorescent product imaged by the SR-X reader.
Additional technical information about Simoa can be found here on the Quanterix website: Principles of Simoa - single molecule array technology.
Pilar Lorenzo
Research engineer
E-mail: pilar [dot] lorenzo [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (pilar[dot]lorenzo[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Location: B1113 (lab)