Leica SP8 Confocal LSM
Formerly known as the Advanced Microscopy Platform
The MultiPark Microscopy Platform currently has a Leica SP8 laser scanning confocal microscope for imaging live and fixed tissue and cells. The system is also equipped with a live imaging chamber, which can be used with additional training. The system is located in BMC A1054 and has been up and running since late 2019.
Using the system
All users must first receive training in order to gain access to the system. This includes potential users who have previously used a similar system, such as the system in A11. Use of the system without training is prohibited and may result in loss of access.
Training takes approximately 4 hours and can be scheduled by contacting Megg (megg [dot] garcia [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (megg[dot]garcia-ryde[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)).
The cost for training is a base 1000 SEK plus the cost of 4 hours of usage (200 SEK/hour), which totals to 1800 SEK.
Booking the system via the Outlook calendar and logging usage in the logbook are required.
Booking is done ahead of time via an Outlook calendar specific for this system. The address for the booking calendar is MED_A10-Confocal-mp [at] resource [dot] lu [dot] se (MED_A10-Confocal-mp[at]resource[dot]lu[dot]se). Please note that only users who have undergone training are allowed to book the system. Booking priority is first come, first served with the exception being system maintenance or repairs, which take priority over all user bookings.
Once at the system, users must fill in an entry in the log sheet located near the system with the required information.
Below is a table highlighting key points for the system:
Objectives |
Laser lines | 405, 488, 552 and 638 nm |
Detectors | 1 x Photomultiplier tube (PMT) and 1 x Leica hybrid detector (HyD) |
Live cell imaging | Okolab stage-top chamber system (additional training required) |
User fee | 200 SEK/hour |
Booking | Via Outlook calendar |
Training fee | 1000 SEK + 4 hours of usage (1800 SEK total) |
Contact for training/access | Megg Garcia-Ryde megg [dot] garcia-ryde [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se |
Primary responsible | Gunnar Gouras gunnar [dot] gouras [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se |
Contact us!
Megg Garcia-Ryde
Platform manager
Email: megg [dot] garcia-ryde [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Office: BMC B1128b
Gunnar Gouras
Responsible PI
Email: gunnar [dot] gouras [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Office: BMC B1123c