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FACS Platform

Flow Cytometry Analysis and Fluorecence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)

Flow cytometry enables measurement of fluorescence intensity of particles (cells) in a liquid stream. Analysis of live and fixed cells may be based on size, granularity/complexity, fluorescent proteins, cell surface antigen expression, intracellular antigen expression, DNA content. Flow cytometry is ideal for multiplexing targets using multiple stainings and dyes. 


We have an instrument for flow cytometry analysis and sorting: 

Cell sorter: BD FACS Aria III

3 LASER instrument: 488 nm, 561 nm, 633 nm; 10 fluorescence channels. The FACS Aria may be used for analysis or for physically separating out cell populations based on their fluorescence labelling.

  • Purity sort
  • Enrichment of rare populations
  • Single cell sort

The FACS facility is available for everyone to use.


All new users must first receive training in order to gain access to the system. This can be arranged by contacting Anna Hammarberg via email (anna [dot] hammarberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se). 

Once training is completed, users can book the system using the Infinity X online system, which can be accessed via this link:

Users log in using their Lucat-ID and password and must then have access to both the facility "MultiPark Infrastructures" and the instrument "BD FACS Aria III". A quick guide to requesting instrument access can be found here.

Booking follows a first come, first served policy. In general, booking 10 days in advance should give you your desired time slot. However, do not hesitate to book the system well in advance nor ask for last-minute service if needed.


MultiPark user fee: 
200 SEK/hour experiment time
200 SEK/hour introduction and training 

External user fee:
550 SEK/hour experiment time
550 SEK/hour introduction and training

Contact anna [dot] hammarberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Hammarberg )for individual introduction and training.

Technical information

Technical Information FACS Aria III


Woman smiling in front of greenery

Anna Hammarberg
Research engineer

Email: anna [dot] hammarberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Tel: +46 46 222 0642
Office: BMC B1128b
Lab: BMC B1135a
Workstations: BMC B1155a 

Booking via Infinity X

Access the booking system here:

Use SSO as the log in method then input your Lucat-ID and password

User resources and guides:
Quick-start guide
Requesting instrument access
User introduction webinar