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A young MultiParkers working group takes shape

Photo showing the young MultiParkers working group during their first social event.

Collaboration, networking, career development, and wellbeing. Those are four examples of needs that the newly formed young MultiParkers working group will address. After organizing their first event, they are eager to start preparing for more events.

During the pandemic, there has been an upbuild of need for social gathering and exchange of ideas and experiences. Especially young researchers who recently initiated their career within MultiPark have requested to become a part of a bigger context.

Many of us want to understand other research areas within Multipark and to be able to put our research in a greater context.

“I believe that many of us want to understand other research areas within Multipark and to be able to put our research in a greater context,” says Lina Rosengren, health scientist and one of the Ph.D. students forming the working group.

“After the isolated climate of the last 18 months I think this is an especially important moment for MultiPark to provide opportunities for interaction between young members, most importantly those new to Lund, both on scientific and social levels,” adds Nicholas Bèchet, experimental researcher and another member of the working group.

Last spring, Ph.D. students and postdocs working in any of MultiPark’s 45 research groups were invited to virtual meetings to talk about their needs and how the organization could support them. Before summer, a working group was formed. The group consists of six young researchers being in different phases of their thesis projects or postdoc. Together, they represent the whole environment, from health sciences and the clinic to experimental research groups.

“To be able to contribute to the next annual retreat would be nice,” says Alexa Pichet Binette, postdoc from the clinical memory research.

“Another valuable thing for young scientists would be if MultiPark could provide workshops for us to learn new techniques related to the available platforms,” suggests Matilde Negrini, Ph.D. student from the Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory.

“I want to organize more fun activities to bring the Multipark community closer together in a relaxed environment! Young Multiparkers getting to know each other and feeling part of a context will probably facilitate the exchange of skills and knowledge between the research groups,” tells Marta Ramos, Ph.D student from the Glia-Immune Interactions group.

Since getting together to plan activities at the beginning of September, the group has been eager to arrange a gathering as soon as possible to start networking. And the first causal evening activity was organized after knowing each other in less than a month.

The first social event organized by the young working group

On the last of September, 28 young researchers from different parts of MultiPark joined the first evening event organized by the young working group. After mingling and enjoying the food, the working group also presented themselves and their ideas.

Photo of the first quiz evening arranged by the working group.

We want to organize regular social and scientific events.

“We want to organize regular social and scientific events. For example, friendly scientific debates between research groups on hot topics, or joint sports activities, causal quiz evenings like this one, or other things that may be suggested by young MultiPark members,” tells an enthusiastic Lluís Camprubí Ferrer.

Following the presentation, teams were randomly formed to continue networking and collaborating to compete for prices in four challenging quizzes. And after one and a half years of isolation, the occasion was long-awaited and the atmosphere excited.

The details about the activities and events that the working group will arrange are still a work in progress. But there have been discussions about organizing image competitions and other networking activities that can strengthen our strategic research area from the inside. So stay tuned!

Do you have an idea? Or do you need support with anything?

Then you are encouraged to contact any of the working group members. Below, they tell more about their visions for the working group.

Five fast questions to the Young MultiPark working group

Lina Rosengren

Profile photo of Lina Rosengren.
Photo: Kenneth Rouna

Research group: Rehabilitation medicine (Jan Lexell)

Position: postdoc

Methods: Quantitative and qualitative methods with postal surveys and in-depth interviews.

Vision with the working group: Expand my collaboration network, get a better understanding of MultiPark and different fields of science. Making it easier for young researchers to experience coherence.

Need as a young researcher: A social context for young MultiParkers to get to know persons in a similar situation.

lina [dot] rosengren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (lina[dot]rosengren[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Lluís Camprubí Ferrer

Profile photo of Lluís Camprubí Ferrer.

Research group: Experimental Neuroinflammation Laboratory (Tomas Deierborg)

Position: First year of Ph.D.

Methods: Immunostainings, Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy, Western Blot, cell culture / in vitro experiments, ELISA and Mesoscale.

Vision with the working group: Enhance the working dynamics of MultiPark, so we can improve our research and at the same time be able to know each other and enjoy our work as scientists.

Need as a young researcher: Support experiments when a person wants to start a project.

lluis [dot] camprubi_ferrer [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (lluis[dot]camprubi_ferrer[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Matilde Negrini

Profile photo of Matilde Negrini.

Research group: Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory (Andreas Heuer)

Position: Final year Ph.D.

Methods: Animal models, Stereotactic brain surgery, Behavioural tests, Immunohistochemistry, Cloning, AAV production, Electrochemistry, Optogenetics

Vision with the working group: To bring Young MultiParkers together and make them feel part of a community on which they can rely for support.

Need as a young researcher: Set up a “Recycle” Room or forum, where groups can leave lab material they do not use anymore so that others can benefit from that.

matilde [dot] negrini [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (matilde[dot]negrini[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Nicholas Bèchet

Profile photo of Nicholas Bèchet

Research group: Glia-Immune Interactions (Iben Lundgaard)

Position: Final year Ph.D.

Methods: In vivo pig glymphatic surgeries, in vivo pig intraparenchymal brain injections, iDISCO+, light-sheet microscopy, confocal microscopy

Vision with the working group: To facilitate interactions between Multipark affiliates to create a network for collaborations and dissemination of knowledge.

Need as a young researcher: Opportunities for interaction between young members, both on scientific and social levels.

nicholas [dot] bechet [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (nicholas[dot]bechet[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Marta Ramos

Profile photo of Marta Ramos.

Research group: Glia-immune interactions (Iben Lundgaard)

Position: Final year Ph.D.

Methods: Models of neuroinflammation, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, light-sheet microscopy, optoacoustic imaging, scientific illustration.

Vision with the working group: To organize more fun activities and events to bring the MultiPark community closer together!

Need as a young researcher: The opportunity to meet each other in a fun/relaxed environment.

marta [dot] ramos [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (marta[dot]ramos[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Alexa Pichet Binette

Profile photo of Alexa Pichet Binette.

Research group: Clinical Memory Research (Oskar Hansson)

Position: First-year postdoc

Methods: Neuroimaging, biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease, and a lot of statistics.

Vision with the working group: Improve collaboration/discussion between the different groups and trainees.

Need as a young researcher: Annual research day/retreat.

alexa [dot] pichet_binette [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (alexa[dot]pichet_binette[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)